Biophilic Design 12 Affordable Ways to Nature Indoors

By bobogarden 20 August 2023 12 Min Read
Biophilic designBiophilic Design 12 affordable ways to nature indoor

In today’s fast-paced, urbanized world, the yearning for nature’s touch in our lives has never been stronger. Biophilic Design combines nature and architecture to make indoor spaces calming and lively. Adding Biophilic Design elements can make you feel better, work better, and connect with nature in a city apartment or a suburban home. This blog will share 12 low-cost ways to make your home feel more like nature, such as bringing indoor plants and adding botanical patterns. Let’s dive in!

What is Biophilic Design?

Biophilic design is a way of making buildings and spaces feel closer to nature. It uses natural elements like plants, natural light, and materials to create a calm and comfortable environment. This design helps people feel happier and healthier by connecting them with nature, even indoors.

The core principles of Biophilic Design include:

Nature Analogues:  Using real stuff, colors, and designs that look like things from nature.

Nature of Space: Incorporating natural light, air, and water into indoor spaces.

Natural Shapes and Forms: Employing organic shapes and structures reminiscent of nature.

They evolved the Human-Nature Relationship, Acknowledging that people naturally want to be close to nature.

The Benefits of Biophilic Design

The Benefits of Biophilic Design

Biophilic design is excellent because it brings nature indoors, making spaces feel happier and healthier. It uses plants and natural light to create a better atmosphere in buildings. This design helps people feel less stressed and more connected to nature, which improves our well-being. So, it’s a win-win for us and the environment!

Before we explore how to use Biophilic Design, let’s see why it’s great.

Improved Well-being

Research has found that being around nature indoors can make you feel less stressed, lower your blood pressure, and help you relax. Having plants and natural things around can create a calming atmosphere for your mental and emotional health.

Enhanced Productivity

Bringing Biophilic Design to the workplace makes employees more creative and productive. Natural light, plants, and open views inspire and energize them, improving performance.

Connection with Nature

For urban dwellers, Biophilic Design bridges the gap between city life and the natural world.  It makes you feel connected to nature and encourages you to care for the environment and live sustainably.

Energy Efficiency

Biophilic Design often incorporates energy-efficient elements, such as maximizing natural daylight and ventilation. This helps the environment and saves money on bills.

12 Affordable Ways To Incorporate Biophilic Design At Home

Now that we’ve learned about Biophilic Design and its benefits let’s look at affordable ways to bring nature inside.

1. Indoor Plants: Green Your Space

Indoor Plants Green Your Space

Indoor plants are a great way to add greenery to your living or working space. They look lovely, help improve air quality, and reduce stress. Biophilic design is called bringing nature indoors to make your environment more pleasant and healthy. So, consider getting a few indoor plants to make your place feel fresh and welcoming. If you’re new to caring for plants, start with easy ones like snake plants, pathos, or succulents.

Pro Tip: Hanging plants or wall-mounted planters can save space while adding greenery.

2. Natural Materials: Embrace Earthy Elements

In biophilic design, we welcome nature using natural materials like wooden furniture, bamboo flooring, jute rugs, and stone countertops. Wood and plants. These earthy elements make spaces feel calm and connected to the outdoors. Think of wooden furniture, stone accents, and greenery in your home or office. It brings nature’s beauty inside, making us feel more relaxed and happy. Replace synthetic materials with natural ones. These materials bring a tactile connection to nature into your home.

Pro Tip: Salvaged or reclaimed wood is both eco-friendly and budget-friendly.

3. Sunlight And Views: Open Up To Nature

Sunlight and Views

Biophilic design means bringing nature inside our buildings. It’s all about sunlight and good views. We feel better when we use big windows and let in lots of sunlight. We can see trees, flowers, and the sky from inside. This design helps us be happy and healthier in our homes and workspaces. Place furniture strategically to enjoy outdoor views. Sunlight not only brightens your space but also supports your circadian rhythm.

Pro Tip: Use light, sheer curtains to allow more natural light in.

4. Water Features: Create Tranquil Environments

Water features like tabletop fountains or small indoor ponds introduce the soothing sound of flowing water. They mimic natural water bodies and add a sense of tranquility. It is part of biophilic design, making spaces feel more like nature. Water features can help people relax and be happier in these places.

Pro Tip: Combine water features with indoor plants for a mini oasis.

5. Wooden Furniture: Invite Organic Warmth

Wooden furniture adds a warm and natural touch to your home, bringing a bit of the outdoors inside. It’s an excellent method for crafting a snug and welcoming ambiance in your living areas. This design style, known as biophilic design, emphasizes a connection to nature and can make your home feel more welcoming and comfortable. So, consider incorporating wooden furniture to add organic warmth to your living spaces. Invest in wooden furniture with natural finishes. Wood brings warmth and character to your interiors, making your area feel cozy and inviting.

Pro Tip: Look for sustainably sourced or second-hand wooden furniture.

6. Nature-Inspired Artwork: Bring The Outdoors In

Nature-inspired artwork, like paintings and decorations featuring plants, animals, or landscapes, can help make your indoor space feel closer to nature. It is called biophilic design, which means bringing the outdoors inside. It can create a calming and pleasant atmosphere in your home or workspace. So, consider adding nature-inspired art to make your place feel more connected to the natural world. These pieces of art can transport you to different birth settings.

Pro Tip: Create a gallery wall with a mix of nature-themed art.

7. Natural Textures: Elevate Sensory Experience

Natural textures in biophilic design enhance the way we feel and experience spaces. It’s all about using materials like wood, stone, or even plants to create a connection with nature indoors. These textures make rooms more comfortable and inviting, helping us relax and enjoy our surroundings better. So, when you see wood floors or a stone wall, they’re not just there for looks but to make you feel good. These textures engage your senses, making your space more tactile and visually appealing.

Pro Tip: Use textured wallpaper or accent walls for an easy upgrade.

8. Biophilic Lighting: Mimic Natural Sunlight

Biophilic lighting is about making indoor spaces feel more like the outdoors by using lighting that imitates natural sunlight. It’s a part of biophilic design, which aims to bring nature into our living and working areas. This lighting can create a cozy and calming atmosphere in homes and offices, making people feel more connected to nature, even inside. So, biophilic lighting is all about bringing a bit of sunshine and nature’s goodness inside our buildings. Choose lighting fixtures that mimic the qualities of natural sunlight while cool-toned lighting is energizing.

Pro Tip: Use dimmable LED bulbs to adjust the lighting to your mood.

9. Hanging Gardens: Vertical Greenery

Hanging Gardens: Vertical Greenery

Hanging gardens are a special kind of garden where plants grow up and down walls or structures. These gardens bring nature closer to people, making buildings look more beautiful and helping everyone feel better. They are like living art on our walls! If you have limited floor space, go vertical. Install hanging planters or vertical gardens on your walls. They not only save space but also provide a lush, green backdrop.

Pro Tip: Consider self-watering vertical planters for low maintenance.

10. Biophilic Color Palette: Earthy Tones

In biophilic design, using earthy colors like green, brown, and muted blues helps bring nature into indoor spaces. These natural tones create a calming and soothing environment, making people feel more connected to the outdoors while indoors. It’s like bringing a piece of nature’s beauty into your home or workplace. Paint your walls with earthy tones like greens, blues, browns, and tans. These colors evoke the serenity of nature and create a harmonious atmosphere.

Pro Tip: Use accent colors inspired by your favorite natural landscapes

11. Botanical Patterns: Nature’s Design

Botanical patterns, like flowers and leaves, inspire biophilic design. This design approach brings nature’s beauty indoors to create calming and harmonious spaces. It often includes using plant motifs in décor, such as wallpaper or upholstery, to connect people with the natural world, promoting well-being and a sense of serenity. These patterns infuse nature’s aesthetics into your home.

Pro Tip: Mix and match patterns for an eclectic look.

12. Windowsill Herb Gardens: Culinary Greenery

Windowsill Herb Gardens: Culinary Greenery

Could you create a windowsill herb garden in your kitchen? Windowsill herb gardens combine the joy of growing your kitchen herbs with the beauty of nature inside your home. These small green gardens bring a touch of nature into your living space, making it feel more vibrant and inviting. Plus, you get fresh herbs for cooking right at your fingertips, enhancing your culinary adventures. It’s a simple way to connect with nature and add delicious flavors to your dishes. Fresh herbs add flavor to your words and bring nature’s fragrance indoors.

Pro Tip: Grow herbs like basil, mint, and parsley for culinary versatility.

FAQs On Biophilic Design

Q1: What is the cost of incorporating Biophilic Design into my home?

A1: The cost of adding Biophilic Design to your home can vary widely. It depends on factors like the size of your home, the specific elements you want to include (like plants, natural materials, or large windows), and whether you choose DIY or hire professionals. Simple additions like indoor plants or nature-inspired décor may be budget-friendly, while extensive renovations or architectural changes can be expensive. It’s best to start small and gradually incorporate biophilic elements as your budget allows, making your home more nature-friendly.

Q2: Are there any specific indoor plants that are easy to care for?

A2: Yes, some indoor plants are easy to take care of. Examples include the snake plant, pothos, and spider plant. These plants don’t need much attention and can thrive with primary care, like watering them every few weeks and placing them in indirect sunlight. They’re great for beginners who want to enjoy greenery in their homes without fuss.

Q3: Can Biophilic Design be applied to small apartments?

A3: Yes, we can use Biophilic Design in small apartments. This means adding plants, natural colors, and natural light to make the apartment feel more like nature. It can make small spaces feel nicer and healthier.

Q4: Does Biophilic Design have an impact on mental health?

A4: Bringing elements of nature indoors through biophilic design can have a positive impact on mental health. It can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase overall well-being by connecting people with natural elements like plants, natural light, and water features. This design approach promotes a sense of calm and connection to the outdoors, creating a more soothing and comfortable environment.

Q5: How can I make my workspace more biophilic?

A5: Add indoor plants like succulents or a small potted tree to make your workspace more biophilic. These plants can make your workspace feel more natural and refreshing. You can also place your desk near a window to get some natural light and a nice view of the outdoors. Also, could you consider using raw materials like wood for your desk or furniture? All these simple changes can help make your workspace feel more connected to nature.


Adding Biophilic Design to your home lets you connect with nature, even in a busy city. Follow the 12 affordable tips in this article to create a space that boosts well-being and productivity.

As you start this design journey, remember that Biophilic Design isn’t just about looks; it’s a lifestyle that benefits you and the planet. Start small, experiment, and let nature’s beauty flourish within your indoor sanctuary.

Let’s bring the outdoors in and live harmoniously with nature through the captivating realm of Biophilic Design. Nature indoors is within your reach and more affordable than you might think. Begin your journey to a greener, healthier, and happier living space today.